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How BFSI brands can leverage ShareChat & Moj to drive advocacy for products and services

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BFSI brands invest much of their efforts into winning their customers’ trust. They start a process that causes a ripple effect with word-of-mouth praises and customer advocacy. Given how 88% of global respondents in a survey* said they trust recommendations from people they know more than any other channel, the value of interpersonal communication between customers is high.

In a recent ShareChat & Moj Consumer Survey, social media was found to be the top source of information about investments for Bharat, highlighting the importance of an Indic-language first social media strategy for BFSI brands.

Bharat & young India spend over 30 minutes daily consuming and creating content on ShareChat and Moj in their preferred Indic languages. Read on to learn how BFSI brands can leverage the ShareChat & Moj ad innovations to drive advocacy for their products while considering the essential regional, linguistic and cultural nuances.

ShareChat Branded Shares: If a user comes across an interesting post on ShareChat, they can share it with their contacts on WhatsApp. On average, it helps the creative reach at least 25 others, significantly increasing the brand’s reach. Since the user is sharing it with their friends and family, it adds a layer of trust to the message. It is no longer an ad but a recommendation from someone they know — a big plus for BFSI brands.

ShareChat Chatrooms: Decisions about BFSI products are often discussed in length before a person can even consider making a purchase or an investment. BFSI brands can prompt and nurture product or service-centric discussions on ShareChat Chatrooms wherein creators can talk about the product and services with their digital communities while solving their doubts.

Influencer Activation: A big part of promoting a BFSI product is creating awareness and visibility. Influencers have an excellent grasp of the likes and dislikes of their digital communities. It helps them create content with a high chance of being consumed and believed. They can add considerable value to a BFSI brand’s credibility among the target audiences.

BFSI brands stand to win remarkable gains by taking an Indic language-first approach on social media. Contact us today to learn how ShareChat & Moj can streamline the path to success for your brand.

*Data Source: Neilsen

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