Help People Discover Your Brand. Drive Sales Of Consumer Goods With ShareChat Ads.

Help the people of Bharat discover your brand with customised ShareChat Ads' solutions for all FMCG and CPG brands. Build brand awareness, test product preferences, and drive in-store and online sales. Reach 325 Mn+ consumers across Bharat that are primed to take action.

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Social Media Advertising - The Most Preferred Format Among FMCG Brands Across India

Consumption of content in India has moved towards digital, and the FMCG industry has shown the strongest tilt towards digital videos and social media marketing*1. Be it big brands or niche names, FMCG brands have earned higher marketing returns with social media marketing.

ShareChat & Moj - India’s Leading Social Media Apps

The future of the internet is regional, and the main mission of ShareChat & Moj is to build an inclusive social space for the next billion internet users of India. Our Ads platform offers customised full-screen video ad formats, so FMCG and CPG across India can leverage the power of digital video marketing on India’s leading social media apps.
Bharat - Driving The Growth For FMCG and CPG Brands Across India

FMCG brands that were predominantly offline, are now leaning towards online sales. In the Q4 of 2020, FMCG products witnessed a significant increase in average order volume from consumers of Tier I, Tier II, and Tier III cities of Bharat. FMCG brands that adopted a D2C strategy also witnessed 94% growth in brand website.*2.

Connect Directly To The Consumers Of Bharat With ShareChat Ads

Bharat has spent significantly higher on FMCG and CPG products like groceries and cosmetics, compared to the urban Indian population. ShareChat is designed to cater specifically to the users of Bharat. 1 in 4 internet users in India is on ShareChat, which means your brand has the opportunity to turn a vast segment of Indian users into customers.

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Scale Your Business Growth By Bringing Your CPG Brand Online. Start Today.

Rural consumption has increased significantly, mainly influenced by the combination of increased income and higher aspiration levels. This has resulted in increased demands for branded products in rural India.*3.

Digitally Engaged Consumers of Bharat Accelerated Fanta’s Sales

Fanta advertised on ShareChat and Moj to reach out to the younger generation of Bharat and to drive awareness around the festive time of Holi. The ad campaign overachieved its target with over 60 crore views. The usage of regional languages accelerated the overall brand reach.

Bharat Users Boost Product Sales For Kurkure

Kurkure advertised on ShareChat to generate brand awareness around their new super-spicy flavours. The brand achieved over 5000 user generated content and in-app postings. ShareChat helped the brand create an effective influencer outreach and generated brand loyalty among users.

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Resources To Help Build Your FMCG and CPG Brand

Get tips and learn the best practices to help build and grow your CPG business. You’re just one step away from receiving detailed insights on how to drive online and in-store sales. Plan and execute effective digital marketing campaigns today. Subscribe to our newsletter.


Emami Navratna Hair Oil on Moj

Emami Navratna Hair Oil collaborated with Moj to tap into the 50 Mn+ strong creator community to drive engagement and to create fun-filled interactions among their core audiences. The result? 60% increase in the brand awareness, 36% increase in purchase intention and 95% respondents associated the ad with Navratna Hair Oil.

Success Stories Of FMCG and CPG Brands

India’s largest CPG brands are advertising on ShareChat to boost customer acquisition and to generate incremental sales.



*1Data Source- Statista Report, 2020


*2 Data Source- Unicommerce KEARNEY Report, 2020


*3 Data Source- India Brand Equity Foundation (

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